Top 30 Aroma Chemicals Used In Making Fragrances
Top 30 Fragrance Chemicals Used in Perfumery Based on approximately 800 popular fragrance formulations used in soaps, detergents, toiletries, household products, incense sticks, perfumes, etc., we have been able to provide provisional global usage data. A synthetic chemical used in perfumery.
The market figures for incense sticks and incense sticks are not yet clear. The market statistics of fragrance consumption in regions such as the Middle East, Africa, some Asian regions are also unclear. Therefore, the figures below give some idea of the global consumption of the top thirty chemicals used in perfumery.
We have also taken into account the global consumption of raw materials used in manufacturing these products.
We did not consider terpenes like alpha-pinene, limonene etc. which are directly used in perfumes.
We have taken into account fixatives and mixing ingredients as they are a major contributor to fragrance creation.
About 40 percent of these are also used in chemical flavoring. Some chemicals such as vanillin, menthol, eugenol, limonene, esters of lower alcohols, esters of lower fatty acids are as abundant as the chemicals listed below, but 80% of their global consumption goes to flavorings. So we cannot include them in the top thirty aromatic chemicals.
The following chemicals are manufactured from raw materials, which are produced from petrochemical sources or natural sources. Some of the products below are also used in polymers, drugs, pesticides, etc. Therefore, the global consumption of such chemicals is much higher than shown below.
The following information pertains only to their use in fragrances.
1] Linalool and its esters -8000 Tons
2] Geraniol and its esters -1200O Tons
3] Terpineol and its esters -8400 tons
4] ISO-E-Super-6000 Ton
5] Galaxolide -4500 Tonnes
6] Benzyl Acetate -12000 Tons
7] Dihydromyrenol and derivatives -8000 tonnes
8] Liral-4000 Ton
9] Benzyl Salicylate -8000 Tonnes
10] DEP-20000 Ton
12] Hedeon-8000 Ton
13] Phenyl ethyl alcohol, ester, ether -14000 tons
14] Benzyl Benzoate -4000 Tonnes
15] Citronellol and its esters -6000 tonnes
16] Isolongifolin derivatives -2500 tonnes
17] Nitro Musk -2000 Tons
18] Cedryl Methyl Ketone, Acetate and Methyl Ether - 3000 Tonnes
19] Lilal-5000 Tons
20] Ionase-Beta and Alpha, Gamma Methyl Ionone -12000 Tons
21] Geranal Nitrile and Citronel Nitrile -5000 Tonnes
22] PTBCHA & OTBCHA -10000 Tonnes
23] Anisic Aldehyde, Anisic Alcohol and Esters -3000 Tons
24] IBCH & ICCH-3000 Ton
25] Tonlide -3000 Ton
26] Cinnamic lehyde, cinnamic alcohol and esters -3000 Tonnes
26] Coumarin and derivatives -2000 tonnes
27] Naphthyl Ether -2600 Tonnes
28] DCPD Esters & Derivatives -3000 Tonnes
29] Isopropyl Myristate -2000 Tonnes
30] Dipropylene Glycol & Ester -2500 Tonnes
Dr. Prashantkumar Kudali Srinivas has 12 years of industry experience in Aroma Chemicals and Perfumery & Flavor Formulations. He is also a permanent member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers and NMR Association of India. He is currently working as Manager-Research & Development in Privy Organics Limited, Mahad.